
安排 an Appointment to Audition for a performing group:


音乐会合唱 ——夫人. Elaine Carty – 573-221-3675 ext. 3270 or 伊莱恩.carty@haoliwu8.com

管乐团 – Ms. Julie Reese – 573-221-3675

室合唱团 ——夫人. Elaine Carty – 573-221-3675 ext. 3270 or 伊莱恩.carty@haoliwu8.com


How do I prepare for the Audition?

Auditions for 音乐会合唱 & 室合唱团:

  1. vocalization to determine range and tone color
  2. 球场上保留
  3. reading/following  S, A, T, or B
  4. presentation of an art song (contest piece) is preferred; however, any type of song will be accepted.

*Because we cannot guarantee that an accompanist will be available at your audition time, please have your own accompanist/teacher make a CD recording of the accompaniment to your song.

Auditions for 管乐团

  1. Performance of a prepared solo or etude, 2 or 3 major scales selected at random, demonstration of your range using the chromatic scale from lowest to highest, 视唱,
  2. Percussionists: you will be asked to give a demonstration of your rudimental techniques
  3. 如果通过视频试镜, include a letter of recommendation from either your Band Director or private instructor concerning your sight-reading ability.


Scholarship Information:



Upon auditioning, you will be considered for a $6,000 音乐专业奖学金 which is guaranteed each year for 4 years and is in addition to your academic scholarship.  This scholarship requires participation in a minimum of 2 ensembles and the student must maintain a GPA of 2.5分或以上.


非音乐专业, there are performance scholarships of up to $2,000 available for participation in any ensemble.

音乐 Department Handbook