Annual Support

Gifts for Annual Support through the HLGU Annual Fund complement funding from 其他 sources to provide the difference between what students pay in tuition and what it really costs to educate them. Since our first concern is the student, we want to make education as affordable as possible.

Quality Education

The HLGU Annual Fund makes possible advancements in such areas as:

  • High-quality facilities and equipment
  • Resources to enhance learning
  • Outstanding programs and faculty
  • Christian ministry opportunities

Without the HLGU Annual Fund, tuition would increase significantly.

Your Gifts Make a Difference

  • $100 – purchases two or three new books for the library
  • $250 – brings a guest speaker on campus for chapel
  • $500 – pays for one week of electricity in our largest building
  • $1,000 – provides uniforms for an athletic team
  • $5,000 – purchases technology upgrades for a classroom
  • $6,000 – funds a University Scholarship for an incoming freshman
  • $10,000 – sends five students on a mission trip
  • $50,000 – endows a scholarship
  • $50,000 – provides a shuttle or van to transport students

Click here to give online

Questions? Please contact us at 573-629-3124 or